max/msp externals updated for intel/arm 64 bit

these externals duplicate many of the freeware plugins and the spectral shapers bundle (+bubbler, +binaural, +morphfilter, etc.). find the download on the freeware page.

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++morphfilter updated (2.21)

++morphfilter has been updated so that the filter is recalculated while drawing, and the filter morph animation is visible on current hosts. new versions for Windows (intel64/32) and Mac (intel64/applesilicon)

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++spectralgate updated

++spectralgate 2.22 now available for mac and win. this eliminates a bug which didn’t allow it to save spectral threshold curves under some DAWs, and another bug which would occasionally cause crashes when quitting.

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M1 Native Plugins

I have just completed M1 Native versions of all plugins. The freeware plugins are downloadable on the freeware page. Spectral Shapers and Pvoc Kit bundles and individual plugins will appear in your account if you have already purchased the previous versions online, or if you purchase them new.

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free ++phasevocoder 1.00 macOS

Happy Giving Tuesday,

I have uploaded an alpha version of ++phasevocoder. I intend to add more to it before the feature-set is frozen, so this is a “soft-release”. Please send any bug reports my way.

I intended to make it fairly close to the original SoundHack Phase Vocoder from 1991 – but couldn’t help but adding a few extras (drone and varispeed). AU, VST, VST3 are included, Intel and Apple Silicon.

Download from here

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64 bit soundhack max/msp beta externals released

The max/msp externals have been updated for the latest 64 bit max/msp. Download from the freeware page.

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Big Sur compatibility

All SoundHack plugins have been updated to be compatible with Big Sur. Updates are available to registered users in your account. I am currently working on M1 updates.

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SoundHack source code on github

The source for SoundHack 0.896 is now on github. It is based on the OS X CarbonLib API, so it can no longer be compiled on current computers, but I uploaded it in case anyone might benefit:

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++spiralstretch 2.12

++spiralstretch has been updated for macOS and Windows to fix an incompatibility with Izotope RX Audio Editor. It is now compatible. No other changes have been made.

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new ++binaural, ++spectralgate & ++phasemash

I have just released version 2.12 of ++binaural, ++spectralgate and ++phasemash. Several bug fixes including a startup crash that affected certain macOS users (windows users only need the new ++phasemash), and the ++phasemash bandshift control now works correctly. Registered users can download from their customer account (under the checkout menu).

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